望,有名望、希望、远看等多种含义。其本义为站在大地上向远处看。名望和希望均是从远 看这一本义中引申出来的。望,也代表了本刊——《Noblesse▪至品生活》杂志的办刊精神: 高瞻远瞩,引领时尚尊贵的潮流;将最好的奉献给杂志的读者群——中国最优秀的精英人士,并 倡导追求美好至善的人生态度。
一直以极高质量的印刷及设计水准享誉业界的《Noblesse▪至品生活》杂志,创刊以来多 次获得国际性奖项,包括2005年在世界最大造纸企业Sappi主办的Sappi Trading Printer of the Year Asia中荣获杂志类银奖、2005年第3届亚洲印刷大奖平版胶印杂志(四色)类别的银奖、 2006年由亚洲出版业协会主办的卓越编辑大奖中文刊物组别卓越杂志设计荣誉奖、2007 年Sappi年度印刷大奖亚洲地区杂志类印刷银奖、2008年第2届上海印刷大奖四色及以上期刊金 奖、第2届金光印艺大奖期刊杂志(平板印刷)银奖、2009年中华印刷大奖银奖、2010年亚洲 印刷大奖金奖、2011年第5届金光印艺大奖铜奖以及2012年亚洲印刷大奖平张印刷杂志银奖。 这些标志着《Noblesse▪至品生活》杂志的精美设计获得了国际和国内的一致认同。
《Noblesse•至品生活》将继续以考究不俗的品位、精美的图片和精湛的内容给中国的精英 阶层带来关于时装、美容、装饰、饮食、艺术、商业、旅行和休闲领域的报道。
The Chinese word “Wang” means “nobility” and “hope”, two characteristics that perfectly describe Noblesse readers – elite individuals with both the resources and vision to be trendsetters in lifestyle. Noblesse is China’s leading lifestyle magazine sold and marketed exclusively to proven members of China’s affluent society. This innovative distribution model allows Noblesse to secure its position as Asia’s most prestigious and influential lifestyle magazine. With every issue it both defines and directs China’s luxury market - from fashion and beauty to décor and dining, arts and business, travel and leisure.
Founded in 2004, Noblesse China has already succeeded in winning several major publication awards: a 2006 Excellence in Magazine Design Honorable Mention at The Society of Publishers in Asia (SOPA) Editorial Excellence Awards 2006, and three silver medals for quality of printing: the 2005 SAPPI Trading Printer of the Year Asia, the Asian Print Award 2005, the 2007 SAPPI Trading Printer of the Year Asia,the silver prize (offset printing) at the Second Sinar Mas Printing Award in 2008, the silver award at China Print Awards 2009, the gold award in the sheetfed magazine category of Asian Print Awards 2010, the bronze award at the Fifth Sinar Mas Print Awards in 2011 and the silver award in the sheetfed magazine category of Asian Print Awards 2012.
Noblesse is also proud to be the only Chinese luxury lifestyle magazine to obtain an official certificate of circulation from both the Sino Publication Audit Center (SPAC), and the Hong Kong Audit Bureau of Circulation (HKABC), a member of the International Federation of Audit Bureaux of Circulations (IFABC). Both audits confirm that Noblesse has the largest and most widespread proven distribution of any luxury lifestyle magazine in China.